(Adoption Services for Birthmothers)
All Services are Free to Birthmothers: The types of assistance we offer include the following:
Free legal representation: This includes informing you of the laws related to adoption as well as your rights
Assistance with qualifying for living expenses during the pregnancy: This includes a review of your monthly budget and an assessment of expenses that you are in need of such as rent, utilities, phone, food and basic necessities
Healthcare Services: This includes setting you up with an obstetrician, assisting you with an AHCCCS application or assessing your private medical insurance plan, transportation to doctors or hospitals, attendance at doctors appointments with you, assistance in the delivery room if you wish, liaison between you and your doctor or you and hospital staff, RN consults. Simpson Law contracts with two RN's who may be able to provide assistance
Counseling Assistance: This includes setting you up with a licensed counselor who can help you through the stages of your adoption journey as well as help you develop your adoption and hospital plan
Behavioral Health Services: Simpson Law teams up with licensed MSWs and counselors to provide support through this process and mentorship with life skills for your success in the future.
Assistance with the provision of resources designed to help you succeed: It is not just enough to assist you with your adoption plan. We strive to help change lives one step at a time by providing resources so that you can begin to look beyond your adoption plan and begin planning your future.