(Adoption Services for Birthmothers)
You choose the adoption plan that you are comfortable with. Choices include:
- Selecting the family that you want to adopt your child or having us select the family for you (this includes the marital status, race, location)
- Whether to have contact with the family during the pregnancy or not to have contact (depending on the location of the family, this may include in-person visits, pictures, letters, phone calls, skype calls or emails)
- Whether or not you want to have the family involved in the delivery
- What type of contact you want with your child when you deliver (not to see the child, to see the child part of the time, to have the child in your room with you the entire time)
- Who to release the baby to at the time you are discharged from the hospital (this may include allowing the potential adoptive parents to have the baby with them until you sign consents or allowing a staff member from our firm have the baby with them until you sign consents or keeping the baby with you until you sign consents)
- What type of contact you would like with the family after the consents are signed (depending on the location of the family, this may include in-person visits, pictures, letters, phone calls, skype calls or emails). Or, you may choose not to remain in contact with the family.